Support Us
For more information contact Chris Flieger, Principal
Saint John the Evangelist School
696 Washington Street
Canton, MA 02021
781-828-2130 Phone
781-828-7563 Fax
Strive for Excellence Fund
The Strive for Excellence Fund provides scholarship monies for needy students at our school. To make a donation, please send your donation to the school and note that it is for the Strive for Excellence Fund on the memo line. All donations will be personally acknowledged. Please click here to donate. Thank you!
Amazon Smile
If you shop on Amazon, you can now designate St. John School as a beneficiary of your purchases. Each time you make a purchase, a donation will be made to St. John School. Use the following link to direct your account
Saint John the Evangelist School is a designated 501(c) 3 tax-exempt organization. All donations are tax exempt to the fullest extend of the law. Please consult your tax professional with regard your specific tax situation.