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SJS Electronic Backpack

Missing an important notice?  Need another copy of the lunch order form for the week?  This page will have all the forms and flyers that are sent out electronically each week.

Back to School Forms:

Summer Packets:

Supply Lists:

Need some help?

Check out:

"What is this Dropbox thing..."

below for some nifty instructions.

Directions for downloading SJS files from Dropbox.  Dropbox is an online stiorage service that St. John the Evangelist School uses to make large files available to parents, staff, and students. You do not need to create an account with Dropbox in order to download files. Just follow these simple steps:


1. Click on the file above that you want to download

2. When the Dropbox website opens, click on the word "Download"

3. When you are asked to create an account, just click on "No thanks, continue to download →" at the bottom of the screen.

4. Presto! Your file will appear in 1-2 minutes, or so. Depending on your connection speed it could take 3-4 minutes.

What is this Dropbox thing and where is my file?!

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